Sunday, 31 March 2013

Why Irish people should be preppers

This articles assumes that you, the reader, are new to prepping or that you are curious about preppers and want to know why we do what we do.

Firstly, forget what you think you know about preppers. Forget the media nonsense and exploitative tv 'documentaries' and discover what prepping and survivalism is really about. Most preppers are not fanatical, do not believe in doomsday prophecies, and are not Rambo wannabes!

"Prepping" is simply a modern name for something people have always done, i.e. self-sufficiency and self-reliance. Up until only about two generations ago, families stored reserves of food and water for unexpected difficulties. They preserved surplus food grown during the summer, so it could be eaten during the winter. With large multi-national supermarkets and a global transport system, the necessity to store food diminished and we now have a situation where most families have no more than a few days worth of food in the cupboards at any one time. Seriously, take a look in your cupboards right now. Go on, I'll wait. How many days worth of food do you have for you and your family? How many days worth of toilet rolls or sanitary supplies? A few days? A week?